
••The Lovely Abbey••

Last night our family welcomed in a new member of the family. Abigail Summer Madden 5lb 1.7oz 18in. She is just the cutest. I am so excited! I am now an aunt! Although I'm now an aunt, I can't quite decide on what I want to be called, so, if you have any suggestions please let me know! Here on some pictures of the new angel.

Me and my new niece

Abbey and her PoppaAbbey and her MemeHer big brother NoahLaughing at her daddy Proud parents of Abbey

I just love her little dimples on both cheeks and how she's looking at her daddy in this last pic, sticking her tongue out at him. She is the absolute sweetest. (:


  1. you are right, hannah. this last pic, abbey stills the show. what a sweet poise. and, ok, i have decided to go with meme. grammy is already in our family twice. i want a unique name. love you abbey.

  2. You didn't sign off of my account.... It now looks like I'm a grandmother?...
